Irene Opper

Results Coach  

Life Transition Specialist

Individual and Group Coaching  Australia-wide

"This is not where I thought I'd be at this stage in my life"

Do you:

wish you could reach the other side of: empty nesting, transition to retirement, loss of a partner, or change of career? 

wish you lived a more purposeful life, knew what you want in life or how to choose between paths?

wish you had a partner, family or friends who loved and appreciated you?

wish you could improve, end or find a relationship?

wish you could let go of your pain and find a brighter future?

wish you could stop procrastinating and self-sabotaging in your home, work or social life?

The Solution?

🌿 Life Re-Set 🌿

A personal coaching journey

What you will get: 

 Clarity - You will design a future that ignites your passion.

 Vitality - You will feel energised by dissolving mental and emotional blockages.

  Focus - You will gain productive habits to operate at your best.

 Confidence - You will experience how powerful you can be. 

 Results - You will achieve your goal or be firmly on track.

The Life Re-Set Pillars

 Your Ideal Life - You will picture your dream life in vivid detail and uncover the path to take you there.

  Banish the Baggage - Release trapped emotions, past events, unhelpful beliefs and conflicted values.

  Break Free from Procrastination - New mindset and habits to boost effectiveness.

 Accountability and Support - If we could do it alone, it would already be done. Accountability gets you there.  

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" Albert Einstein

Start your journey with a free, no-obligation Life Direction Clarification Session or a brief Life Direction Check. Coaching is available Australia-wide, conveniently conducted by phone.

What Clients say: